Writing Workshops
Upcoming Workshops
Writing like a Scientist, Writing workshop for graduate students, Bryn Mawr College, Date TBA
Workshops about Writing and Teaching
The Write Stuff: Writing Beyond the Journal Article, SUNY Albany, 10 November 2021
To Be All Flame, Exploring Fiery Themes in Your Writing, Chestnut Hill College, 7 December 2019
Practical Notes: Developing a writing practice as a working chemist, American Chemical Society, March 2018
The bones of chemistry, in Crafting Chemical Communication symposium at ACS National Meeting, August 2016
Combatting chemophobia and pseudoscience, AAAS meeting, February 2016
How to work at the subtle edge: What contemplatives can teach scientists, Meditation, TechnoScience and Humanity, 30 October 2015, Barcelona, Spain​
​​Teaching students to write like a chemist, NSF REU PI workshop, July 2015
Contemplative pedagogy, half-day workshop, Wesleyan University, February 2015
Practical & Impractical, afternoon workshop on contemplative approaches to teaching, Chestnut Hill College, October 2014
Scientists Writing Science: Beyond Grant Proposals, Journal Articles and Internal Reports, Association for Women in Science, Philadelphia, 17 October 2013
Practically Impractical, workshop on contemplative stance in the science classroom, Contemplative Pedagogy in the Classroom workshop at Selkirk College, Selkirk, BC, Canada, July 9-13, 2013
Writing Like a Scientist, workshop for undergraduate chemists at American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 7 April 2013
Writing and the contemplative mind, George Mason University, October 2011
Why scientists should write: early and often, A*STAR Chemistry Club, Singapore, October 2010
Writing With Others with Maria Gallardo-Williams, NC State University, Faculty Forum, August 2021.
A workshop on writing, George Mason University, Center for Consciousness and Transformation, October 2010